Monday, 22 February 2010

The pig pen (a work in progress)

So, work commenced on the pig pen last Monday. We started with this:

(ok, this is a bit after we'd started as I've laid out the posts, but I forgot to take a photo right at the beginning!)

At lunchtime we had this:

And by the evening we had this:

(excuse the lightened photo, it was pretty dark by the time we'd finished)

So, we've got to put a gate in, which Ed is hoping to collect from my Mum this week, and add the electric fence holders and we're good to go, which is lucky really as we're hoping to get the pigs this weekend or next!

The pen is 25m x 25m approx. It's made from wooden posts and pig netting with barbed wire around the base on the outside. The electric fence will be run along the inside about six inches off the ground.

Friday, 12 February 2010


Whilst Ed and I both have a certain amount of relevant knowledge for our projects ahead, Ed more than me, we’re both voracious readers and like to be as clued up as possible. So I think we have single handedly managed to keep Amazon afloat recently. These are our particular recommendations at the moment, though I’ll no doubt be adding to the list as time goes on.

Basically an idiots guide to keeping chickens, really comprehensive and clear

Ed swears by this one for pigs

I'm also really enjoying this to help me plan how to keep us in vegetables for the year. Last summer was a bit of a plant it all at once and see what happens, but this year I'm determined to try and have something growing all year round.

Finally, my new best thing, to accompany all the veg we're going to be growing is this. Beautiful pictures and amazing recipes, we're having the root veg korma this evening!

Looking forward to spending the weekend finishing fencing the chicken run and beginning to fence the pig nursery (and going to the wedding of some fabulous friends).

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

We're getting started...


So here we are. Trying to be farmers. Trying to become people who own or manage a farm. But it's more than that. We're seeking a life that lets us live with the seasons, work together and, yes, enjoy a certain lifestyle. I always hate using the word 'lifestyle' but it doesn't need to mean holidays in St Tropez, butlers and caviar, and in this case it certainly doesn't. We were both bought up in the country, Ed on a farm whilst I was pony mad and lived in a village. We currently rent a small parcel of land, and are negotiating to rent some more including an area of woodland.

So what are we hoping to achieve? Well the list is long, and at this stage looks pretty daunting, but you've got to start somewhere and I'm hoping this will act as an incentive and a spur to make us progress.

Perhaps before presenting you with the list I should explain who we are and what's brought us here. The main players in this story are:

Ed - late twenties, digger obsessive, currently managing the european arm of an overseas company, living full time in Somerset

Camilla - late twenties (though not for much longer as I keep being reminded), surveyor currently commuting weekly between the south east and Somerset, seeking a better work life balance and time to spend with husband and menagerie.

Barley - labrador, loves: most things particularly small children who drop food, hates: disco lights

Flynn - horse, loves: reminding me he's a thoroughbred when I least expect it, hates: pigs (this could be a problem).

Here we are, a family of four. Shortly to increase dramatically in numbers. No, I'm not pregnant with quads, but by the end of this month we are hoping to have chickens and pigs. By the Spring we are hoping to have bees as well, and possibly lambs and with every likelihood puppies. So that's goal number 1.

Goal number 2 is for some, if not all, of these increases in numbers to make us money, or if not make us money then at least save us money. We have a number of enterprises we're currently investigating, including the potential markets for our pigs.

Goal number 3 leads on from this and involves either one of us, and preferably both, to be able to work less in our current jobs. We both realise what we're letting ourselves in for will probably be considerably harder work, but hopefully it will lead to the ultimate goal - being our own bosses and running our own farm.

So expect updates on the animals, the vegetable production, the attempts to sell our produce, some recipes involving said produce and probably the odd bit of Cath Kidston when my obsession gets too strong.

I hope you come along for the ride! x